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Error 410

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Description:The Product Code used to protect your software is not the same as the Product Code in the dongle detected.

Note - you can use DinkeyLook to find the Product Code in the dongle.

For Lite dongles you should ensure that the Product Code specified when you protect your software matches the Product Code in the dongle.

For Plus and Net dongles you should ensure that the Product Code specified when you protect your software is the same as the Product Code used when you program the dongle. An easy way is to use the same DAPF file to protect your software and program the dongle. Alternatively you could protect your software and program the dongle at the same time.

Finally, if you are using the API method and calling one of our dynamic runtime modules then it could be that your program is loading a different runtime module than you expect (protected with a different Product Code). For example, Windows will look in the folder of the program and also the Windows directory and Windows System directory and all directories in the PATH envinronment variable. Please check all these locations for the presence of the runtime library you are calling.

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