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articleError 538
This error means that the value you specified in the M_SDSN variable is not your SDSN. Please change it so it is!
13 Mar, 2014    Views: 470
articleError 714
Problem: M_Data variable is not big enough for M_DataLength variable specified. Solution: Check that M_Data contains the data that you want...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 857
articleError 716
Problem: Requested DinkeyWeb encryption version is not supported. Solution: If you are using the DinkeyWeb Self-Hosting Package then you ne...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 963
articleError 1603
Error: the M_SDSN variable does not match the SDSN of the DinkeyWeb module. Solution: Please set the M_SDSN value to the SDSN that is all...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 867
articleError 1604
Error: error connecting to both the DinkeyWeb primary server and secondary server. Solution: it is extremely unlikely that both our servers...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 804
articleError 1605
Error: error connecting to both the DinkeyWeb primary server and secondary server. Solution: it is extremely unlikely that both our servers...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 772
articleError 1608
Error: error connecting to both the DinkeyWeb primary server and secondary server from ASP.NET code. Solution: it is extremely unlikely tha...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 781
articleError 1609
Error: error connecting to both the DinkeyWeb primary server and secondary server from ASP.NET. Solution: it is extremely unlikely that bot...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 820
articleError 1610
This error can occur when you run your Shell-protected program or when using DinkeyWeb. 1610 error when running a program which has been pr...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 974
articleError 1611
Problem: Error calling the protected DinkeyWeb library. Solution: The protected DinkeyWeb module on the server is case-sensitive, please ch...
30 Mar, 2010    Views: 887
articleError 1612
Error: Could not find the protected DinkeyWeb module (e.g. dpWeb.dll) on your website in the correct location. Solution: Make sure that the...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 1016
articleError 1613
Error: error writing the DinkeyWeb module to disk. Solution: You should always have the correct access rghts to do this but if you are gett...
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 867
articleError 1614
Error: The user is using an operating system not supported by DinkeyWeb.
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 886
articleError 1615
Error: You are running  a 64-bit browser and this is currently not supported by DinkeyWeb. Solution: Use a 32-bit browser!
23 Mar, 2010    Views: 835
articleError 1621
JSP only error. Exception creating output html code. Contact Microcosm.
19 Jul, 2011    Views: 612
articleError 1623
DinkeyWeb Self-Hosting package only. Error calling dpweb_encrypt / decrypt programs. Check permissions.
19 Jul, 2011    Views: 675

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